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Monday, August 23, 2010

Burger Review #4: Truffled Wagyu Beef Burger

Welcome back all you loyal burger fans to another exciting instalment of Brett's Burger Review? He's back and freshened up after narrowly escaping the clutches of the roly-poly truffled pigball. Will our daring hero ever find that perfect burger? Read on dear fellows...

Okay, so the gourmet burger route didn't go quite as I had planned. The addition of truffles, undeniably one of the swankiest of ingredients, did little to make up for poor presentation, lack of variety in other ingredients and the, frankly, baffling taste. Nevertheless, I refused to give up after one mixed experience. I had to try another gourmet burger - and stat!

Luckily for me there was more than one type of burger on offer at the Mundaring Truffle Festival several weeks back. Ever the glutton, I bought two - one to have for the lunch and the other for dinner that night. The Truffled Moon-meat Burger was dealt with in the last review (and let us never mention its cursed name again...). It was now time to face the Truffled Wagyu Beef Burger!

APPEARANCE: The folks at the truffle festival clearly feared that alien lifeforms were after their burgers. That is the only reason I can think of for them being wrapped in so much god-damn foil! Evidently it helps repel the cosmic rays fired by the burger-hating Martian race. Once my lovingly be-foiled meal was freed from its metallic tomb I was left with a cruelly familiar sight. Plain bun, meat patty and that blasted rocket sticking out the bottom, forever taunting me. Was I destined to relive the experience of the moon-meat debacle? SCORE: 3

INGREDIENTS: After further inspection it certainly seemed that way. The bun was again of high quality and thoroughly smeared in pungent truffle oil. The beef patty was a nice thickness and appeared to be nicely grilled. The rocket can go die in a fire - if you are going to put some salad in there, do it right! Lettuce and tomato, folks, it may not be classy but it beats the hell out of the limp and flavourless offering I had. A peek under the patty yielded a pleasant surprise in the form of sliced mushroom! All right, now we're getting somewhere! SCORE: 7

HANDLING: The handling with this burger was a cinch, mainly because there was very little to fall out of it in the first place. I can't figure out whether that should be a plus or a minus? The meat patty stayed in position like a good boy, unlike the ever-moving hog-ball from last time. The bun was slick with oil, and therefore my hands ended up the same way. Anyone have a napkin? SCORE: 7

TASTE: The burger was quite good but not very strong in truffle flavour, which is no bad thing. The oil that was lathered across the bun more than made up for the deficit. The patty was nicely charred around the edges, giving an extra boost to the taste-factor. Although the meat was nice, I expected a bit more from it. The flavour of minced remains of a massaged, beer-fed cow should be nothing short of transcendent, right? The mushrooms added a great counter-point to the meatiness and were a very welcome addition. The rocket shouldn't have bothered showing up, though I suppose it added a dash of colour to the mostly brown offering. SCORE: 7

AFTER EFFECTS: Considering I was close to overdosing on truffle-infused foodstuffs, I felt quite fine afterwards. There is always the unsettling feeling as a masticated lump of cow-bread amalgam drops into your stomach, but it quickly passed.SCORE: 8

VALUE: As with the moon-meat madness, this burger cost me a paltry tenner. Again, I consider that pretty good value for a meal loaded with gourmet ingredients. SCORE: 8

Overall the Truffled Wagyu Beef Burger was very tasty and not at all overshadowed by the truffle flavour. Some more salad would have been nice to break up the protein-and-carbs bonanza, but I couldn't complain too much. The quality and flavour of the burger meat is far ahead of the pack at this point, but that is still a way off what I believe a top-class burger should be. Room for improvement, truffle festival. See you next year.


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